That's too bad.
I have a bad cold.
I'm bad at sports.
This apple is bad.
She feels bad today.
I have a bad sunburn.
All the eggs went bad.
He gave me a bad cold.
I have a bad pain here.
The weather stayed bad.
The weather turned bad.
This meat has gone bad.
Tom has had a bad week.
I often have bad dreams.
She has a bad head cold.
Bad news travels quickly.
You've set a bad example.
I have a bad headache today.
Do you really think it's bad?
I caught a bad cold last week.
I've got a bad case of jet lag.
I am afraid I ate something bad.
I made a bad mistake on the test.
I seem to have caught a bad cold.
Telling lies is a very bad habit.
Do you really think that it's bad?
He blames his failure on bad luck.
Bad weather kept us from going out.
I have a bad pain in my lower back.
Eating between meals is a bad habit.
A bad workman always blames his tools.
She called him every bad name she knew.
When the food is bad, it's a real letdown.
I wasn't aware that you were feeling so bad.
He's always saying bad things about his wife.
I wasn't aware that you were feeling that bad.
I couldn't go out on account of the bad weather.
A doctor told me that eating eggs was bad for me.
Even if he does something bad, he'll never admit it.
Because I had a bad cold, I went to bed earlier than usual.
It's not right for you to do something bad just because someone else has done something bad.
I don't think it makes him a bad person just because he's decided he likes to eat horse meat.
From personal experience, I know that any encounter with him will leave a bad taste in your mouth.