I'm tired.
I was tired.
Are you tired?
He seems tired.
I'm a bit tired.
He must be tired.
I'm really tired.
I'm feeling tired.
My eyes are tired.
We were all tired.
We were very tired.
I am no longer tired.
I'm not at all tired.
Nancy looks so tired.
He looked quite tired.
I am tired of my work.
I am too tired to run.
Why are you so tired today?
I'm tired of eating fast food.
I'm tired of him bawling me out.
I was too tired to go on working.
I was too tired to walk any more.
I'm sick and tired of hamburgers.
I'm tired of watching television.
He was tired, but he kept working.
I was tired, but I couldn't sleep.
I am very tired from the hard work.
She was too tired to go on working.
She will come even if she is tired.
I got tired of lying in bed all day.
I'm tired of working a nine-to-five job.
She kept working even though she was tired.
I am tired of hearing the same thing so often.
Tired from the hard work, he went to bed earlier than usual.